Thursday, June 19, 2008

Hurry up

I'd bad few days. No working, no thinking, no friend, no talking, just sitting in the couch all the few days, but for nothing. Time past away.

Today, I'm back to work. Reading, trying to write some (probably just a little bit) papers, and continuous to work on the MAX/MSP -- If I can.

As far as the papers I'd read, basically, they were not very helpful to me. But, "Influence of Pleasant and Unpleasant feelings on Human Gesture Motion" and the "Multi-robot Cooperation for Human-Robot Communication" inspired me thinking of the distance and the angle (face to face) in/between the communicational and the "Nature communication". But, how?

Keep reading

Note: Maybe as the best Robot technology is in Japan, both of these papers are from Japanese.
----------------Well, just guess.

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